10 Things my camera & i really don’t care about
Let’s just get real for a second, actually let’s just stay real with one another about the things that really matter.
Now that I have your attention, I want to take a moment to say no, this is not a blog filled with negativity and shaming, in fact, it is the total opposite. Moving forward, I will continue on my path of breaking down stereotypes and rebuilding a judgement free zone for all of the authentic souls out there looking to embrace their best selves.
So I figured why not hit the ground running with 10 of the biggest pushbacks I hear when talking to someone about scheduling professional portraits and why my camera and I don’t really care about those things.
Here we go.
1 | My camera and I do not care about the vehicle you drive.
No seriously, if you pull up in that 2002 pickup truck, a sports car or maybe that nice new truck and trailer duo, I will still be at the same level of enthusiasm to see you.
What matters to me is whether or not you can make it from point A to point B and most importantly the fact that you showed up to take some pretty bad*** portraits for the day. Don’t get me wrong, we all like nice things, but that doesn’t mean you are any less worthy of portraits just because you are or are not driving a brand new vehicle.
2 | My camera and I do not care about what you make for a living.
No seriously, this is a major wall many people (myself included) have put up at one point or another to avoid treating themselves to something nice. Guess what though, it doesn’t actually matter what you make. I saved my pennies for a year to hire a photographer from Kentucky to take portraits of my horse and I in New York and hands down it was the best decision I made.
What matters to me is that you are making decisions and setting goals to get exactly what you want not what others say you should want. Whether that can happen now or in a few months is completely up to you and both ways are a-okay. I do not see your worthiness of an experience with me based around the numbers the government sees on your tax papers.
3 | My camera and I do not care about how your barn looks.
I’m just going to start off by saying that my horse barn is a repurposed heifer barn on our dairy farm and I used to be ashamed of it. Now, I walk into my barn and see all of the incredible memories I’ve shared and will share in that barn as well as an overwhelming sense of pride. Whether you keep your horse at a friends house, a large facility, your backyard or anything in between, all I see is a horse crazed person doing their best for the life they want to live.
What matters to me is that you feel a sense of relief every time you step into the barn or pull into the driveway to see your horse. This is your absolute safe place to be 100% yourself no matter what the walls, stalls and pastures look like.
4 | My camera and I do not care about your dress size.
You probably just read that sentence and thought to yourself, “is she talking to me?”, the answer is yes. You would think by now, we would have started embracing the beauty of all human bodies. Unfortunately, I still frequently hear negative comments made by someone about themselves and I can’t help but want to shake them and tell them just how stunning they are.
What matters to me is that I have the chance to provide you with an exceptional wardrobe as well as access to a closet that will leave you feeling like a rockstar. I am here to tell you that it is okay to be different, in fact I highly suggest embracing that gorgeous body. I started doing it and I can promise you that I’m having a good time and so can you.
5 | My camera and I don’t care about your age.
Let’s be honest, no matter how many face creams, surgeries and injections come available in the future, we are not meant to hide from our age. Age doesn’t define whether or not you are allowed to have a passion for photography, specifically photographs of yourself. There is something so incredibly special in photographing a young person living a life they love. It is also just as spectacular to capture the life you have lived and lessons learned along the way.
What matters to me is that you are living life to the fullest because age is inevitable. With age comes wisdom, for some it comes sooner than expected and others it may take a while but all that matters is the ability to look back at your portraits and remember that you genuinely lived your life.
6 | My camera and I don’t care about your horse’s paperwork.
Don’t get me wrong, I love me a well bred horse (especially a solid Quarter Horse), but I also do not see worthiness based on your horse’s pedigree. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a horse that isn’t going to take the win at a World show as long as they are healthy, happy and well-loved, that is what truly stands out.
What matters to me is that you have a horse in your life to learn with, grow with and share memories no matter how long they stay. Whether you have a horse that can take you all the way in the show ring, a trail buddy or a friend on the ground, they are all so incredibly special in their own way. Paperwork does not define whether or not your horse should be photographed.
7 | My camera and I don’t care about your trophies or lack of.
To show or not to show, that is the question. Actually, it isn’t a question at all because, who really cares? If you want to train 5-6 days a week and work your tail off to make it into the big rings and earn the trophies that is absolutely amazing and I have mad respect for you! If you don’t want to push yourself and your horse in that direction and would rather enjoy the casual show or trail life, that is freaking awesome too!
What matters to me is that you are making decisions that align with your morals and what means the most to you. Don’t get me wrong, I will certainly ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ over your accomplishments in the ring but I will also be 100% interested in your funny trail riding or pasture stories too! This is what helps me determine how I can tell an authentic story based on that bond with your horse.
8 | My camera and I don’t care what you look like.
Can we please just take a moment to remember that we are not all supposed to look or act the same exact way. When I am working with my clients, I do not see what they look like, instead, I see who they truly are.
What matters to me is that you feel like you can be your most authentic self around me. Give me all the vibrant hair colors, tattoos, wardrobe styles and piercings, I am ready for it! Who wants to look at a photo of themselves and feel like it is a complete stranger on the wall, I want you to see yourself for the incredible human being you are!
9 | My camera and I don’t care about where you’re from.
It absolutely does not matter where you come from. All that matters is how you wake up each and every morning treating yourself and those around you. I very firmly believe we need to step out of our comfort zones and social groups to understand that everyone is working towards the same goal…life fulfillment.
What matters to me is that you never forget where you came from and how far you have come. I have met people who have come from wealthy families, middle class families and those who have known what it means to struggle. Each and every person has a hand dealt, but it is our choice on how we play those cards, one of the easiest things we can do is leave a positive impression on those around us. That is exactly why I do not place value on where you came from in regards to whether or not I want to work with you, I place high value on who you are today.
10 | My camera and I really don’t care about where you’ve been.
This is easily a topic I could write a book on, but for now let’s just hit the major points. Everyone has a past. Sometimes we take a few detours in our lives no matter what background we come from, we all make mistakes. I can confidently say that I will never see a person for their past decisions good, bad or ugly.
What matters to me is what you have learned from those life experiences. If others made decisions on me based around who I was 5 or 10+ years ago, that would be an entirely different person than who you see today or will see in another 5 years. Tell me what you have and fear you will battle with, I am not just here to click a button, I am here to embrace everything that makes you who you are. Your portraits are created to depict where you have been and where you are going. Your past does not define you.
Now that you have had a chance to read through this very special blog, I want you to take a moment and re-read it again. Take a moment when you hit a topic that speaks to you and read it out loud over and over until you genuinely believe that you are worthy of this experience. Let’s not forget that at the end of the day, we all go to bed hoping for a better day, we all fall in love, experience loss, share in a passion, and we all deserve the opportunity to see themselves in print living the life they love most.
Don’t ever forget to love yourself.
| The Authentic Equestrian |